What is ENDE?
It is a team that includes 14 partners specialised on European Union studies. All the members of ENDE hold a Jean Monnet Chair or direct a Centre of Excellence linked with digital aspects, an optimal combination on EU dimension and digital space. Because the multi challenge of digital transformation requires a wide, and complex, expertise on the field covering different areas, the project combines different areas that will provide a coherent understanding of the digital transformation of the European Union and will provide the European Commission with a wide variety of tools for the correct implementation of digital innovations within the organization.
What do we do?
ENDE will contribute to the implementation of European Digital Transformation by inviting experts and their research teams to participate in digital action and build digital Europe. Specifically, it will help European Union actors (institutions, Member States and citizens) to develop skills of digital expertise to increase its efficiency and understanding. Its objectives are:
To develop scientific digital transformation impact measurement methodology to measure the digital development and its impact, and track the progress of tackling it
To increase public awareness of digitalization and its impact on the European Union
To engage European society to increase digital participation. Several seminars for dissemination with national stake holders will be implemented during the network activity with the main aim of clear dissemination.
To pilot digital development impact measurement for the use of the European Commission.
To catalyse a large-scale behavioural change towards e-governance in the EU level to contribute to its implementation of the European Union.
To address specific problems and provide solutions (by request of the European Commission or by own initiative)